Portfolio Questions: Covid-19 Recovery and Parliamentary Business Jim Fairlie S6O-00065 1. To ask the Scottish Government how its policies and actions across government are supporting communities to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Stuart McMillan S6O-00066 2. To ask the Scottish Government how its policies and actions across government will support Inverclyde to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Kaukab Stewart S6O-00067 3. To ask the Scottish Government how its policies and actions across government will support local authorities in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Fulton MacGregor S6O-00068 4. To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to encourage people to engage with and respond to the COVID-19 recovery consultation. Gillian Martin S6O-00069 5. To ask the Scottish Government how its policies and actions across government will support the north east to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Alexander Stewart S6O-00070 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will commit to ensuring that any legislation it introduces to support the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic does not seek to allow regulations to be made or changed without being subject to the affirmative parliamentary procedure. Annabelle Ewing S6O-00071 7. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will outline the timescale for the independent public inquiry into the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Siobhian Brown S6O-00072 8. To ask the Scottish Government what assurances it has had from the UK Government that decisions on spending on the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will be taken in Scotland. Portfolio Questions: Net Zero, Energy and Transport Pam Duncan-Glancy S6O-00073 1. To ask the Scottish Government when it expects to implement the provisions on pavement parking prohibition in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. Colin Beattie S6O-00074 2. To ask the Scottish Government what further guidance and support it will provide to community groups to help them meet the goal of net zero emissions. Brian Whittle S6O-00075 3. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the net zero secretary has had with ministerial colleagues regarding action to support small and medium-sized businesses to reduce their carbon emissions, as part of wider efforts to reach net zero targets. Jackie Baillie S6O-00076 4. To ask the Scottish Government how much it has spent, and plans to spend over the next four years, on the mitigation of landslips at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83. Mark Griffin S6O-00077 5. To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has commissioned of the likely costs to homeowners and landlords of reaching net zero emissions in housing by 2045. Colin Smyth S6O-00078 6. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reported proposals by ScotRail to no longer run 300 train services from May 2022. Elena Whitham S6O-00079 7. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to ensure that water scarcity reporting is accurate and reflective of all areas of Scotland. Pauline McNeill S6O-00080 8. To ask the Scottish Government what support it plans to provide to Glasgow City Council to implement the recommendations in the report by the Connectivity Commission, including funding for the proposed metro system.
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