Health and Social Care Jim Fairlie S6O-01316 1. To ask the Scottish Government what specific training and CPD GPs undertake to remain updated on developments in helping women through perimenopause and the menopausal stages of their life. David Torrance S6O-01317 2. To ask the Scottish Government what support it is giving to primary care services as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Mercedes Villalba S6O-01318 3. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the findings of the Health and Care Experience Survey 2021-22 in relation to patient satisfaction with GP services. Jamie Greene S6O-01319 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the latest alcohol-related deaths statistics. Mark Ruskell S6O-01320 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the proposed National Treatment Centres for NHS Tayside and NHS Fife. Stuart McMillan S6O-01321 6. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the British Medical Association regarding the impact in Scotland of its guidance advising GPs to consider reducing their pensionable pay or retiring early due to changes in inflation and the way these are used in calculations around GP pensions that reportedly leaves them liable for significant tax charges. Liam McArthur S6O-01322 7. To ask the Scottish Government when it last met NHS Orkney and what issues were discussed. Gillian Martin S6O-01323 8. To ask the Scottish Government how it is assisting GP practices in Aberdeenshire to fill vacant GP and health practitioner posts. Social Justice, Housing and Local Government Kaukab Stewart S6O-01324 1. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will confirm when actions to remove cladding from properties identified as dangerous under the Single Building Assessment programme will be completed. Paul Sweeney 2. [Not Lodged] Jackson Carlaw 3. [Not Lodged] Christine Grahame S6O-01327 4. To ask the Scottish Government what impact inflation, energy prices and interest rates are having on housing costs in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. Douglas Lumsden S6O-01328 5. To ask the Scottish Government what further support it will provide to local authorities for the provision of accommodation for refugees in Scotland, in light of reports that suitable housing has been significantly reduced as a result of its Super Sponsor scheme. Liam Kerr S6O-01329 6. To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has done on the potential impact on the sale price of new homes of its proposal to introduce new building standards to prohibit the use of direct emissions heating systems in new builds from 2024. Alex Rowley S6O-01330 7. To ask the Scottish Government how many houses it estimates need to be built to tackle the current housing waiting lists in Scotland. Ruth Maguire S6O-01331 8. To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the increase in the number of children in temporary accommodation, as reported in the annual Homelessness in Scotland statistics.
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