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Public Audit Committee

Thursday 07 September 2023 9:00 AM


1. Declaration of interests: Graham Simpson will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take agenda items 4, 5 and 6 in private. 3. How the Scottish Government is set up to deliver climate change goals: Governance and risk management arrangements for net zero targets and adaptation outcomes: The Committee will take evidence from— Roy Brannen, Director-General Net Zero, Kersti Berge, Director of Energy and Climate Change, and Phil Raines, Deputy Director, Domestic Climate Change, Scottish Government. 4. How the Scottish Government is set up to deliver climate changes goals: Governance and risk management arrangements for net zero targets and adaptation outcomes: The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda item 3 and take further evidence from— Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland; Sally Thompson, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland. 5. How the Scottish Government is set up to deliver climate change goals: Governance and risk management arrangements for net zero targets and adaptation outcomes: The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda items 3 and 4 and agree any further action it wishes to take. 6. Work programme: The Committee will consider its work programme.

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Latest meetings: Public Audit Committee