1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private.
2. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions—
PE1662 on Improve Treatment for Patients with Lyme Disease and Associated Tick-borne Diseases; PE1688 on Permitted development rights in conservation areas; PE1710 on Community hospital and council care home services in Scotland; PE1713 on Ban the use of 'Mosquito Devices' in Scotland; PE1726 on Primary Hyperparathyroidism; PE1729 on Legal protection of crofts from local authority care charges; PE1730 on Registration of home educated children in Scotland; PE1732 on A toolkit for working with the Pathological Demand Avoidance profile of ASD; and PE1739 on Improve access to weight loss surgery.
3. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions—
PE1776 on Dogs are not inanimate objects; PE1778 on Review the Scottish Landlords Register scheme; PE1779 on Reducing the risk of ovarian cancer; and PE1780 on Consultation on the closure of large shops on New Year’s Day.
4. Review of the Public Petitions system: The Committee will consider a paper on the Review of the Public Petitions system.
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