1. Declaration of interests: David Torrance will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE1694 by Ralph Riddiough on Free Instrumental Music Services, and will take evidence from— Ralph Riddiough, Mick Cooke, Too Many Cookes Music Ltd., and Alison Reeves, Manager (Scotland), Making Music; PE1696 by Jack Gallagher MA on behalf of Bothwell Historical Society on Preserving Scottish Battlefields; PE1698 by Karen Murphy, Jane Rentoul, David Wilkie, Louisa Rogers and Jennifer Jane Lee on Medical Care in Rural Areas; PE1699 by Amanda Digby on Release of murder victim bodies for funeral arrangements; PE1700 by Martin James Keatings on behalf of Forward as One on Progression of process for Section 30 order to hold Scottish Referendum on Independence from the United Kingdom; and PE1702 by Joanne Waddell on Counselling provision in all schools. 3. Consideration of continued petitions: The Committee will consider the following continued petitions— PE1463 by Sandra Whyte, Marian Dyer and Lorraine Cleaver on Effective thyroid and adrenal testing, diagnosis and treatment; PE1600 by John Chapman on Speed Awareness Courses; PE1642 by Norma Austin Hart on Sale and marketing of energy drinks to under sixteens; PE1665 by Mark McCabe on Common law of blasphemy; and PE1686 by Sean Clerkin on Homelessness crisis in Scotland.
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