1. Declaration of interests: Michelle Ballantyne will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE1655 by Christine Metcalfe on behalf of Avich & Kilchrenan Community Council on Scotland's National Scenic Areas; and will take evidence from— Christine Metcalfe, Alan Mitchell, Community Councillor, Avich and Kilchrenan Community Council; and Douglas Wynn. PE1657 by Donald McHarrie on behalf of A77 Action Group on A77 upgrade; and will take evidence from— John Campbell and Willie Scobie, Co-Founders, A77 Action Group. PE1662 by Janey Cringean and Lorraine Murray on behalf of Tick-borne Illness Campaign Scotland on Improve Treatment for Patients with Lyme Disease and Associated Tick-borne Diseases; and will take evidence from— Janey Cringean and Lorraine Murray. PE1664 by Harry Huyton on behalf of OneKind on Greater protection for mountain hares; and will take evidence from— Harry Huyton. 3. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider the following new petitions— PE1659 by Bill Tait on Local authority complaintsbody; PE1660 by Bill Tait on Sottish Legal Complaints Commission review; PE1661 by Melanie Collins on Reform of regulation of the legal profession in Scotland; PE1663 by Leslie Wallace on Driven grouse shooting study; PE1665 by Mark McCabe on Common law of blasphemy; and PE1666 by Ian Davidson on Scottish Parliament electoral cycle. 4. Consideration of continued petition: The Committee will consider the following continued petition— PE1593 by Paul Quigley on behalf of Fans Against Criminalisation on A full review of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012.
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