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Rural Affairs and Islands Committee

Wednesday 01 March 2023 9:00 AM


1. Future agriculture policy: The Committee will take evidence from— Jackie McCreery, Chair, Dairy Sector Climate Change Group; Andy McGowan, Chair, Scottish Pig Industry Leadership Group; Andrew Moir, Chair, Arable Climate Change Group; Claire Simonetta, Member, Hill, Upland and Crofting Group; Jim Walker CBE, Chair, Suckler Beef Climate Group Programme Board; and then from— Chris Stark, Chief Executive, and Indra Thillainathan, Senior Analyst for Agriculture & Land Use, Climate Change Committee. 2. UK subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider a proposal by the Scottish Government to consent to the UK Government legislating using the powers under the European Union Withdrawal Act in relation to the following UK statutory instrument proposals— Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Regulations 2023; and Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2023 3. Future agriculture policy (in private): The Committee will review the evidence it heard earlier in the meeting.

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Latest meetings: Rural Affairs and Islands Committee