Angus Robertson S6M-08073 That the Parliament acknowledges Scotland’s strategic role as the world’s most northerly non-Arctic nation; agrees on the value of increasing collaboration between Scotland and its Arctic partners; welcomes the distinctive profile and reputation that Scotland has built internationally as an expert contributor to Arctic cooperation; recognises the importance of offering knowledge to promote sustainable development in the region, while learning from best practice developed there; calls for the Arctic to remain safe, stable and peaceful; acknowledges the particular threat posed to the Arctic by the climate crisis, and the need for climate action to be at the heart of Arctic cooperation, and supports the continued engagement with Arctic states, nations and regions to pursue sustainable trade opportunities, develop joint solutions that strengthen community resilience and mark longstanding cultural ties. Donald Cameron S6M-08073.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-08073 in the name of Angus Robertson (Arctic Connections – Scotland’s Growing Links with the Arctic), insert at end “, and acknowledges the UK Government’s updated Arctic Policy Framework, which commits to cooperating with Arctic countries where necessary, as well as protecting their environment and the UK’s security.” Sarah Boyack S6M-08073.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-08073 in the name of Angus Robertson (Arctic Connections – Scotland’s Growing Links with the Arctic), leave out from "Scotland’s strategic role" to "developed there" and insert "the value of Scotland’s involvement in multilateral relations with Arctic nations; agrees on the value of increasing collaboration and building stronger relationships between Scotland and Arctic nations; recognises the importance of participation in educational programmes and sharing knowledge to promote sustainable development in the region and learn from best practice developed there; notes with concern Russia’s recent changes to its Arctic Policy, which remove reference to cooperation with the Arctic Council and instead prioritise 'the national interests of the Russian Federation'; believes that any framework for Arctic cooperation must respect sovereignty and the rule of law, and that this is incompatible with the invasion and annexation of the sovereign territory of neighbouring states".
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