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Scottish Government Debate: Increasing Investment in Scotland

Thursday 27 February 2025 3:27 PM


Kate Forbes S6M-16595 That the Parliament agrees that increasing the level of investment in the Scottish economy is critical to delivering on the Scottish Government’s priorities of improving public services, supporting a thriving economy, tackling the climate emergency, and eradicating child poverty; recognises that the Scottish Government's programme of public investment, particularly in the priority areas of net zero, housing and infrastructure, is vital for leveraging private investment across the Scottish economy, to stimulate growth in key sectors, improve productivity and create jobs; welcomes the annual EY survey, which shows that Scotland is outpacing the UK as a whole when it comes to securing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects, and three Scottish cities ranked in the UK’s top 10 locations for FDI outside of London, and believes that Scotland’s strengths and expertise in areas such as technology, financial services, food and drink, tourism and the energy transition make Scotland the ideal place to invest and deliver projects that bring wider benefits to the Scottish economy. Murdo Fraser S6M-16595.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-16595 in the name of Kate Forbes (Increasing Investment in Scotland), leave out from "on the" to end and insert "economic growth; believes that public sector investment in infrastructure is essential in facilitating growth and therefore notes with alarm the delays to, and uncertainty around, the project to dual the A9 from Perth to Inverness and the Scottish Government’s temporising on dualling the A96; recognises that private investment is necessary to maintain a supply of core goods and services, and therefore condemns the severe damage done to the build-to-rent housing sector by rent cap schemes; acknowledges that success in attracting foreign direct investment is measured as much in project value as in project count; urges the Scottish Government to reverse its opposition to nuclear energy, which limits both investment in energy projects as well as the long-term supply of reliable energy near where it is in demand; emphasises that investment is intrinsically linked to the availability of skilled labour, and notes, therefore, with concern that the Scottish Government’s highest-in-the-UK income tax rates are limiting industry access to skilled workers, thereby undermining investment and economic growth." Daniel Johnson S6M-16595.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-16595 in the name of Kate Forbes (Increasing Investment in Scotland), insert at end "; recognises the best practice that is happening across the UK, including in Greater Manchester, where joined-up working across the public and private sector, investment in infrastructure, and an industrial strategy have boosted investment in the region; notes Department for Business and Trade statistics showing that Scotland comes seventh out of 12 for jobs created by inward investment projects, compared to fourth for the North West of England, and believes that the Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise have failed to maximise Scotland’s economic potential and provide support to sectors that are key to Brand Scotland and attracting inward investment, including tourism, food and drink, and financial services."

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