That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Keeping The Promise Implementation Plan, published on 30 March 2022, recognising the additional challenges that have emerged since the Independent Care Review reported its conclusions in February 2020 and therefore the even greater importance in setting out actions that the Scottish Government must take to Keep The Promise to care-experienced children and young people and their families; believes that, to Keep The Promise, delivery must be undertaken in partnership with local government, The Promise Scotland, the third sector, NHS boards, and the care community across Scotland to enable progress towards keeping more families together through person-centred wraparound support at the right time and providing the right support to reduce the number of children in the care system where it is safe to do so; agrees that Scotland must shift the focus of its actions from reaction to prevention; recognises that where the care system is the right place to be, the experience of children and young people who do enter the care system must be based on love, relationships, compassion and consistency, and commits to work together across Scotland and on a cross-party basis to Keep The Promise to and with the care community, so that all children grow up loved, safe and respected so that they can realise their full potential.
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