Angus Robertson S6M-16923 That the Parliament welcomes Scotland’s renewed status as a Fair Trade Nation; recognises the dedication and hard work of Fair Trade campaigners, businesses and communities across Scotland in sustaining this achievement; congratulates Scottish Fair Trade for its leadership in promoting and strengthening Scotland’s Fair Trade commitment; acknowledges the vital role of Fair Trade producers, workers and enterprises in the Global South in building a fairer, more sustainable trading system; recognises that Fair Trade is a partnership that supports the rights, dignity and livelihoods of those throughout the supply chain, and commits to uphold and advance Scotland’s role as a Fair Trade Nation as part of its broader commitment to global citizenship and international solidarity. Murdo Fraser S6M-16923.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-16923 in the name of Angus Robertson (Scotland – A Fair Trade Nation), insert at end “; recognises that free and fair trade is the most powerful engine for poverty reduction and global prosperity; affirms that open markets, trade liberalisation and the entrepreneurial spirit are central to Fair Trade; believes that protectionism and arbitrary trade barriers harm the very producers and communities that Fair Trade seeks to support; calls on all MSPs to actively champion global agreements that allow Scotland’s businesses to compete, innovate and lead on the world stage, and further calls on the Scottish Government to support the full potential of, and critical work already performed by, local producers by properly accounting for them in its public sector procurement rules and guidelines.” Colin Smyth S6M-16923.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-16923 in the name of Angus Robertson (Scotland - A Fair Trade Nation), insert at end “; notes Scottish Fair Trade’s strategy, which includes the aim of increasing the consumption and production of Fair Trade products, and calls on the Scottish Government to continue to support Fair Trade by establishing a standard definition and measurement framework for Fair Trade in public sector procurement, embedding Fair Trade in education and lifelong learning and supporting Fair Trade and ethical supply chains in Scottish business practices."
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