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Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Questions

Thursday 20 March 2025 2:15 PM


Paul Sweeney S6O-04476 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, further to the answer to question S6W-34464, what its position is on whether MSPs should be able to participate in the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme, in addition to the Armed Forces Visits Programme, should they wish to do so, in light of it being a structured 15-day course with one of the armed services, and it also offering the opportunity to enrol on a Royal College of Defence Studies postgraduate degree level course in strategic leadership and international strategic studies, and it therefore being different in nature. Patrick Harvie S6O-04478 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will consider removing from its catering outlets any products made by companies identified by the UN Human Rights Office as being involved in activities related to illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. John Mason S6O-04474 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what information it has on for what reason stamps that are issued in the Parliament’s Post Office are not Scotland Country Definitive stamps by default. Mark Ruskell S6O-04477 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what discussions it has had with the Scottish Parliamentary Pension Scheme trustees about investments in Tesla and any other companies that may conflict with the scheme's Statement of Investment Principles. Ariane Burgess S6O-04479 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what measures it is taking to support any LGBTQ+ staff whose welfare may be negatively impacted by any increase in the use of language in the Chamber and committees that may be perceived as trans-exclusionary. Rachael Hamilton S6O-04475 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what recent assessment it has made of the resources given to the Legislation team.

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