1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private. 2. Child Poverty and Parental Employment Inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from— Kenny Anderson, Director, Scottish Wider Access Programme; Jackie Galbraith, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of West Lothian College, Colleges Scotland; Sharon McIntyre, Head of Career Information Advice and Guidance Operations, Skills Development Scotland; Keith Robson, Senior Public Affairs Manager, The Open University, Universities Scotland; and then from— Marion Davis, Director of Policy, Communication and Strategy, One Parent Families Scotland; Sarah McCulley, Falkirk Council Representative, Scottish Local Authorities' Economic Development (SLAED); David Stewart, Regional Development Manager, Fedcap Scotland; Philip Whyte, Director, Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland. 3. Child Poverty and Parental Employment Inquiry: The Committee will consider the evidence it heard under agenda item 2.
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