In 2000 Scotland was the first part of the UK to repeal the controversial Section 28 clause that banned the promotion of the acceptance of homosexuality in schools. Join the panel discussion to find out what longer and immediate impact the Section 28 clause had on the lives of LGBTI+ teachers and pupils and how societal attitudes have changed over the decades. Chair Jamie Greene MSP, Co-convener, Cross-Party Group on LGBTI+ Panellists Tim Hopkins is Director of the Equality Network, a national LGBTI equality organisation in Scotland. It seeks to change laws, policies and institutions in Scotland to create greater equality for LGBTI people through a mix of research, developing expertise, and supporting LGBTI people across Scotland to advocate and campaign. It also played a leading role in the campaign which resulted in the repeal of section 28 in Scotland in 2000. Jim Whannel has been a head teacher, an adviser in primary education with the City of Glasgow Council, a teaching fellow at the University of Edinburgh and Director of Gaelic Education with Bòrd na Gàidhlig. He was a member of the EIS’ equality committee and chaired its lesbian and gay sub-committee. He was active in both Stop S28 in the 1980s and Repeal Section 2A / 28 campaigns. Rhona Hamilton is a Programmes & Delivery Officer at Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) and a GTCS registered secondary teacher. TIE is Scotland's LGBT Inclusive Education charity, addressing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic prejudice and bullying through education. Rhona develops TIE's services and events, delivering the national professional learning for teachers on behalf of the Scottish Government, engaging with young people in learner workshops, and creating resources and curriculum materials for schools.
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