Young Women Lead is a new leadership programme for young women aged 30 and under living in Scotland. Part of the focus of Young Women Lead is to increase young women’s political participation. Young Women Lead will create model Committee sessions and use innovative new media to connect diverse young women’s voices with MSPs, the Scottish Government Equality Unit and Parliamentary digital and engagement staff. The programme launched November 2017 and will consist of four model Committee sessions held in the Scottish Parliament in partnership with Scottish Parliament Outreach Services and Digital staff. Outwith these meetings participants will be taking over our social media twice a week – tune in on Tuesdays and Thursdays! – and will be engaging with their local politicians, organisations and other young women in their local area as part of this programme, developing relationships and strengthening communities. The programme will support and empower participants to feel confident and comfortable representing the Young Women’s Movement in giving oral or written evidence to a Scottish Parliament Committee, on issues affecting their lives. The idea being for young women to become more visible and greater participants in parliamentary business whilst gaining skills to enhance their employability, political engagement and voter engagement.
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