Keith Brown S6M-08332 That the Parliament acknowledges the importance of Scotland’s veterans and Armed Forces community and greatly values the significant contribution that it continues to make to Scotland; recognises the challenges that some veterans can face when transitioning out of the military, particularly in relation to employment; notes the work of the Scottish Government to address these issues and improve the employment prospects of veterans and their families; understands that poor mental and physical health may exacerbate barriers to employment for some veterans, and agrees that the Scottish Government should continue to work in partnership across the Scottish public, private and charitable sectors, and with other devolved administrations and the UK Government, to ensure that the veterans and Armed Forces community receives the best possible support and access to employability, healthcare and other services across Scotland. Edward Mountain S6M-08332.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-08332 in the name of Keith Brown (Employment Support for Veterans and their Families), insert at end “, and notes the importance of the close working relationships between Armed Forces bases and their respective local authorities, allowing for the potential development of improved social, health, educational and employment opportunities for service families and the communities that they live in.” Paul Sweeney S6M-08332.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-08332 in the name of Keith Brown (Employment Support for Veterans and their Families), insert at end ", and calls on the Scottish Government to enhance tailored support services available to veterans by scaling up examples of successful models, such as the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association and Glasgow City Council's Glasgow's Helping Heroes service, to become national standards."
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