Neil Bibby S6O-02095 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when it will next meet with representatives from the GMB trade union MSP staff branch. Paul Sweeney S6O-02098 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what discussions it has had in relation to access to translation services for cross-party groups. Carol Mochan S6O-02099 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on pay negotiations with trade unions representing Scottish Parliament staff. Maurice Golden S6O-02028 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on what preparations it has made for the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme. Brian Whittle S6O-02061 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will provide an update on what progress it has made in preparing for the operation of the Deposit Return Scheme. Martin Whitfield S6O-02062 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what steps it will take to create a more family-friendly environment. Mercedes Villalba S6O-02096 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what benefits are available for SPCB and MSP staff. Jamie Greene S6O-02097 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what feedback it has received from MSPs and their staff regarding the roll-out of Webex.
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