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Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Questions

Thursday 18 November 2021 2:15 PM


Jamie Greene S6O-00413 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, in light of reported concerns, what consideration it is giving to additional funding for increased security personnel and security for MSPs' surgeries and local offices. Jackie Baillie S6O-00407 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when it will make a decision regarding the level of MSP allowances for staff for 2022-23. Paul Sweeney S6O-00406 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body when it last met trade unions representing Scottish Parliamentary Service and MSP staff. Jackie Dunbar S6O-00420 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what support it provides to MSPs in connection with the employment of armed forces reservists, and to armed forces reservists who work for the Scottish Parliament or MSPs. James Dornan S6O-00418 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what consultation was conducted with MSPs ahead of changing the allowances system. Emma Roddick S6O-00417 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what review has been undertaken of heating the Parliament building, in light of the updated ventilation requirements. Stephen Kerr S6O-00412 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what its position is on collective decision-making, in light of reports of division among its members regarding the security of MSPs and the Scottish Parliament building. Clare Adamson S6O-00414 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what action it has taken to assess the effectiveness and utility of the new Scottish Parliament website. Paul McLennan S6O-00419 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what the Scottish Parliament’s budget is for both inbound and outbound school visits. Stuart McMillan S6O-00408 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what assistance it will provide to MSPs to make improvements to the ventilation of their local offices, in order to support their reopening when that decision is taken. John Mason S6O-00409 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether members' annual reports can be delivered after 4 February 2022 and, if not, what the reasons are for its position on the matter. Willie Coffey S6O-00421 To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body what consideration has been given to providing parliamentary services outwith usual hours.

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